The goal of the ISRP is “reduced suffering, morbidity and mortality for vulnerable Somalis affected by climate-related & conflict disasters, with particular emphasis on children under five and pregnant & lactating women (PLWs).” The program’s sub-sectors include: Economic Recovery and Market Systems (ERMS), Health, Humanitarian Coordination and Information Management, Nutrition, Protection and WASH. ISRP project was designed to serve least 226,300 beneficiaries in disaster- affected areas of Somalia (Bari, Galgadud, Hiran, Lower Juba, Mudug, Sanaag, Sool, and Togdheer regions) over a 10-month period (October 2020 to July 2021). It was designed to build on the achievements of the 2019-2020 USAID/OFDA-funded program. Rufmo was contracted to conduct final evaluation with the view to demonstrate if the project contributed to desired outcomes and
- To measure the overall appropriateness, effectiveness and efficiency of the program in light of the situation at baseline.
- To identify best practices and key lessons in technical aspects as well as the program management approach to facilitate continued learning and improvement of humanitarian emergency response.